Refereed Articles
+: equal contributions, *: corresponding authors, boldfaced: lab members
Lee, S., Choi, C., Do, H., and Son, Y.* BALT: Batch Active Learning for Time-Series Classification with Multi-Mode Exploration, Submitted.
Lee, S., Kim, H., Lee, W.*, and Son, Y.* (2025) Black-Box Adversarial Examples via Frequency Distortion against Fault Diagnosis Systems, Applied Soft Computing, 171, 112828.
Choi, E., Shin, S., Lee, K., An, T., Lee, R. K., Kim, S., Son, Y.*, and Kim, S. T.* (2025) Artificial intelligence-enhanced diagnosis of degenerative joint disease using temporomandibular joint panoramic radiography and joint noise data, Scientific Reports, 15, 1823.
Choi, J., Son, Y.*, and Kang, J. (2024) Group-Exclusive Group Lasso in Deep Neural Networks: Application to Automatic Sensor Selection in Virtual Metrology, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 37(4), 505-517.
Choi, J., Son, Y.*, and Jeong, M. K.* (2024) Gaussian Kernel with Correlated Variables for Incomplete Data, Annals of Operations Research, 341, 23-244.
Lee, S., Choi, C., and Son, Y.* (2024) Deep Time-Series Clustering via Latent Representation Alignment, Knowledge-Based Systems, 303, 112434.
Lee, S., Choi, J., and Son, Y.* (2024) Efficient Visibility Algorithm for High-frequency Time-series: Application to Fault Diagnosis with Graph Convolutional Network, Annals of Operations Research, 339, 813-833.
Lee, S., Choi, C., and Son, Y.* (2024) Relation-Preserving Masked Modeling for Semi-Supervised Time-Series Classification, Information Sciences, 681, 121213.
Choi, C., Lee, W.*, and Son, Y.* (2024) Multi-Stage Ensemble with Refinement for Noisy Labeled Data Classification, Expert Systems with Applications, 255, 124672.
Akhyar, A., Zulkifley, M. A.*, Lee, J., Song, T., Han, J., Cho, C., Hyun, S., Son, Y., and Hong, B.-W. (2024) Deep artificial intelligence applications for natural disaster management systems: A methodological review, Ecological Indicators, 163, 112067.
Lee, S., Lee, S., Lee, J., Lee, W.*, and Son, Y.* (2024) Graph Contrastive Learning with Consistency Regularization, Pattern Recognition Letters, 181, 43-49.
Kim, H., Lee, S., Lee, J., Lee, W.*, and Son., Y.* (2024) Evaluating Practical Adversarial Robustness of Fault Diagnosis Systems via Spectrum-Aware Ensemble Method, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 130, 107980.
Lee, S., Kim, W.*, and Son, Y.* (2024) Spatio-Temporal Consistency for Multivariate Time-Series Representation Learning, IEEE Access, 12, 30962-30975.
Jeong, B., Lee, J., Lee., S., Lee., S. and Son, Y.*, and Kim, S. Y.* (2023) A 240 Fps In-column Binarized Neural Network Processing in CMOS Image Sensors, IEEE Transcations on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 70, 3907-3911.
Lee, J.+, Lee, J.+, Shin, S., Son, Y.*, and Han, Y.* (2023) Machine Learning for the Expedited Screening of Hydrogen Evolution Catalysts for Transition Metal-Doped Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, International Journal of Energy Research, 2023, 6612054.
Choi, E.+, Pang, K.+, Jeong, E., Lee, S., Son, Y.*, and Seo, M.-S.* (2023) Artificial intelligence in diagnosing dens evaginatus on periapical radiography with limited data availability, Scientific Reports, 13, 13232.
Lee, J.+, Shin, S.+, Lee, J., Han, Y.-K.*, Lee, W.*, and Son, Y.* (2023) Genetic Descriptor Search Algorithm for Predicting Hydrogen Adsorption Free Energy of 2D Material, Scientific Reports, 13, 12729.
Jeong, B., Lee, J., Choi, J., Song, M., Son, Y.*, and Kim, S. Y.* (2023) A 0.57 mW@1 FPS In-Column Analog CNN processor Integrated into CMOS Image Sensor, IEEE Access, 11, 61082-61090.
Kim, W.+, Nam, K.+, and Son, Y.* (2023) Categorizing Affective Response of Customer with Novel Explainable Clustering Algorithm: The Case Study of Amazon Reviews, Electricl Commerce Research and Applications, 58, 101250.
Lee, S.+, Park, H.+, Choi, C., Kim, W., Kim, K.K., Han, Y.-K., Kang, J., Kang. C.-J.*, and Son, Y.* (2023) Multi-order Graph Attention Network for Water Solubility Prediction and Interpretation, Scientific Reports, 13, 957.
Son, Y. and Kim, W.* (2023) Development of Methodology for Classification of User Experience (UX) in Online Customer Review, Journal of Retailing and Customer Services, 71, 103210.
Kakkar, B., Johri, P., Kumar, Y., Park, H., Son, Y., and Shaft, J.* (2022) An IoMT-based federated and deep transfer learning approach to the detection of diverse chest diseases using chest X-rays, Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, 12, 24
Choi, E., Lee, S., Jeong, E., Shin, S., Park, H., Youm, S., Son, Y.*, and Pang, K.* (2022) Artificial intelligence in positioning between mandibular third molar and inferior alveolar nerve on panoramic radiography, Scientific Reports, 12, 2456.
Lee, S. and Son, Y.* (2022) Multitask Learning with Single Gradient Step Update for Task Balancing, Neurocomputing, 467, 442-453.
Yu, H., Nam, K., Shin, S., Choi, M., Son, Y.*, and Chang, J.* (2021) Repetitive patterns in the locations of touch errors for two-thumb text entry on a smartphone, Applied Ergonomics, 97, 103541.
Choi, J., Son, Y.*, and Jeong, M. K. (2021) Restricted Relevance Vector Machine for Missing Data and Application to Virtual Metrology, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 19(4), 3172-3183.
Lee, Y. and Son, Y.* (2021) Predicting Arbitrage-free American Option Prices Using Artificial Neural Network with Pseudo Inputs, Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, 20(2), 119-129.
Lee, S. and Son, Y.* (2021) Motor Load Balancing with Roll Force Prediction for a Cold-Rolling Setup with Neural Networks, Mathematics, 9(12), 1367.
Tavakkol, B.* and Son, Y. (2021) Fuzzy Kernel K-Medoids Clustering Algorithm for Uncertain Data Objects, Pattern Analysis and Applications, 24(3), 1287-1302.
Yu, J. and Son, Y.* (2021) Weighted Co-association Rate-based Laplacian Regularized Label Description for Semi-supervised Regression, Information Sciences, 545, 688-712.
Son, Y. and Kim, W.* (2020) Missing Value Imputation in Stature Estimation by Learning Algorithms Using Anthropometric Data: A Comparative Study, Applied Sciences, 10(14), 5020.
Choi, J., Lee, S., Son, Y.*, and Kim, S. Y.* (2020) Design of an Always-On Image Sensor Using an Analog Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network, Sensors, 20(11), 3101.
Ijaz, M. F., Attique, M., and Son, Y.* (2020) Data-Driven Cervical Cancer Prediction Model with Outlier Detection and Over-Sampling Methods, Sensors, 20(10), 2809.
Turkoz, M., Kim, S., Son, Y., Jeong, M. K.*, and Elsayed, E. A. (2020) Generalized support vector data description for anomaly detection, Pattern Recognition, 100, 107119.
Lee, S., Lee, Y.-S., and Son, Y.* (2020) Forecasting Daily Temperatures with Different Time Interval Data Using Deep Neural Networks, Applied Sciences, 10(5), 1609.
Kim, C., Son, Y., and Youm, S.* (2019). Chronic Disease Prediction Using Character-Recurrent Neural Network in the Presence of Missing Information, Applied Sciences, 9(10), 2170.
Son, Y. and Kang, S.* (2018). Regression with re-labeling for noisy data, Expert Systems with Applications, 114, 578-587.
Kim, Y., Son, Y., Kim, W.*, Jin, B., and Yun, M. H. (2018). Classification of Children's Sitting Postures Using Machine Learning Algorithms, Applied Sciences, 8(8), 1280.
Son, Y., Lee, S., Park, S., and Lee, J.* (2018). Representative Exemplars Using One-class Gaussian Process Regression, Pattern Recognition, 74, 185-197.
Son, Y. and Lee, J.* (2016). Active Learning Using Transductive Sparse Bayesian Regression, Information Sciences, 374, 240-254.
Kim, N., Son, Y., Lee, Y., and Lee, J.* (2016). Self-correcting ensemble using a latent consensus model, Applied Soft Computing, 47, 262-270.
Son, Y., Byun, H., and Lee, J.* (2016). Nonparametric Machine Learning Models for Predicting the Credit Default Swaps: An Empirical Study, Expert Systems with Applications, 58, 210-220.
Park, S., Lee, J., and Son, Y.* (2016). Predicting Market Impact Costs Using Nonparametric Machine Learning Models, PLoS ONE, 11(2), e0150243.
Kim, K., Son, Y., and Lee, J.* (2015). Voronoi Cell-based Clustering Using a Kernel Support, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 27(4), 1146-1156.
Son, Y., Noh, D.-j., and Lee, J.* (2012). Forecasting trends of high-frequency KOSPI200 index data using learning classifiers, Expert Systems with Applications, 39(14), 11607-11615.